Professional Development Toolkits

Easily develop, engage, and empower your team with these ready-made training resources.

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Each toolkit includes customizable timelines, communication templates, and promotional resources to fit your team’s unique training needs.



Enjoy a variety of content aimed to help your team flourish in all areas of life.



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I want to help my team…


Lead a life of purpose, success, and fulfillment.

How exactly do we chart the path to fulfillment and leave a meaningful legacy? Where should we turn to find the life we all want? In this 8-session series, keynote speaker and Comcast executive Steven White, will share his seven pathways to success, giving us a new approach to finding an impactful lifestyle of working, living, and being.

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Unlock potential through influence and personal growth.

We all want to see our dreams become a reality, but many of us don’t realize how our everyday habits are the key to either making progress or becoming stuck in a rut. So what can we do to identify and establish good habits while ridding ourselves of patterns that keep us from relationally, spiritually, and emotionally thriving? Join bestselling author Marcus ”Goodie“ Goodloe in this six-session series as he guides us through the six steps to achieving life-changing practices.

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The Power of Customer Experience

Make an impact through customer experience.

We all long to be a part of something bigger, something greater, something meaningful in this life. And whether you're the boss calling the shots, the employee making it happen, or the intern just starting out in your field, you're uniquely positioned right where you are to make an impact in the place you spend so much of your time: your job! This series is designed to help growth-minded people see the power and potential they have to make an impact by changing the customer experience for their businesses and brands for the better.

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Discover Joy in Work

Flourish in the workplace.

We devote most of our waking hours to work. Yet research reveals today’s workers are working longer, are more stressed, and are increasingly disengaged from their work. We can often blame our dissatisfaction on inadequate work environments, leading us to think we will be happy once we find the right workplace.But our happiness in work has much more to do with our inward environments than the four walls of our offices. Join author, entrepreneur, and executive Shundrawn Thomas in this four-part series as he helps us discover the joy in work.

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Redeeming Your Time

Eliminate distractions and improve productivity.

Managing our time wisely and effectively is one of the most important things we can do to advance our careers. When we institute the right lifestyle changes—not just adopting some habits—we can begin to reach our full potential. In this ten-session series, bestselling author Jordan Raynor will cover ten simple practices that will help us manage our time wisely and clear out the distractions that keep us from making progress with our work.

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Leadership for the 99%

Embrace a leadership mindset.

Discover how to empower leaders of all levels in this series with Clay Scroggins. Leadership isn’t just about being the boss, being in charge, or having authority over someone—it’s about your influence and the way you use it. Your entire team can be great leaders whether they are in a senior position or new to the company. Lead your team through this study to help them learn how to take advantage of their unique position and influence to be the best leader they can be.

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The Ideal Team Player

Work better together.

As leaders, we all want a strong, synergetic team. But what does it take to get there? In this series with New York Times bestselling author Patrick Lencioni, learn how to empower your employees to be the best team they can be. Building a great team is not as simple as finding the right skill sets—the human element is a more critical factor in the long-term performance of a team

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Establish and achieve goals.

Help your team tackle their goals from start to finish. The biggest obstacle to meeting goals is not laziness, but perfectionism. And because we are our own worst critics, the fear of doing something wrong often prevents us from trying to accomplish our goals at all. Give your team the gift of done in this series with Jon Acuff.

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Limit overthinking and embrace positive thoughts.

It’s time for your team to get rid of negative thoughts and replace them with true, helpful, and kind soundtracks that lead to meaningful action. Overthinking isn’t a personality trait; it’s the sneakiest form of fear. Help your team revolutionize their thought-process in this six-session series with bestselling author Jon Acuff.

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The Miracle Moment

Transform tough relationships.

Conflict in the workplace can lead to tension, inefficiency, and unnecessary distraction. Discover how your team can transform conflict into powerful opportunities for growth. There is a moment in every conversation that can change the whole relationship, when you can either move toward the other person or away from them. Join Nicole Unice in this four-session series as she teaches us how to align our emotions, words, and actions so that we can create meaningful change in our experiences and relationships at work.

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Beginner’s Pluck

Cultivate passion and purpose in all areas of life.

We want the best for our people, to empower them to build a life of purpose and let go of fear. In this series, discover practical approaches to building passion into life and work. Liz Forkin Bohannon, founder and CEO of Sseko Designs, shares fourteen principles to help change the way you and your employees think about work, dreams, and making a lasting impact.

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