
Lift Every Voice: Why We Need the Black Church

Due to our history of racism, longstanding segregation, and cultural differences, there are many misconceptions surrounding the Black church.

Discipleship Targets: Measuring and Achieving Success

Zach Zehnder shares a practical framework for measuring and achieving success in discipleship.

How should church leaders measure the success of their discipleship efforts?

Zach Zehnder has a straightforward answer: define your discipleship targets.  

In a recent webinar for church leaders, Zach Zehnder, pastor and founder of Red Letter Living, shared a practical framework for measuring and achieving success in churchwide discipleship. He rooted his approach in a deep understanding of the challenges facing modern Christian communities and a passion to help churches follow Jesus's call more effectively. Here’s a brief overview of Zach’s “discipleship target” framework.

The Core Challenge

Zach began the webinar by highlighting a striking disconnect: while many Americans self-identify as Christians, only a small segment of self-proclaimed Christians are practicing Christians. This gap reveals a crucial insight: despite abundant information about discipleship, there’s widespread confusion about how to follow Jesus practically.  As Zach put it, “American churches have created many believers but very few followers.”

The church's discipleship problem is not due to a lack of information, but a lack of clear direction. Churches are excellent at introducing people to the concept of faith, but sometimes they struggle to guide them into an intentional journey of discipleship.

The Missing Element: Clear Targets

What’s often missing in church discipleship strategies? According to Zach, it’s clear, measurable targets. As he said, “You measure what’s important in life.”

  1. Being: Focusing on relationship with God as the foundation
  2. Forgiving: Extending to others the grace we've received
  3. Serving: Using our abilities to help others
  4. Giving: Stewarding resources generously
  5. Going: Sharing our faith and making disciples

These targets provide a comprehensive blueprint for spiritual growth that goes beyond simple church attendance or theological knowledge.

Tailoring Your Targets

While Zach said he uses the targets of being, forgiving, serving, giving, and going in his ministry, he also mentioned he empowers church leaders to tailor discipleship targets to their needs. Whatever your targets, he recommended that they adhere to three critical criteria:

  1. Jesus-Centered: Directly connected to Christ’s teachings and example
  2. Easily Communicated: Simple enough for church members to understand and remember
  3. Measurable: Capable of being tracked and assessed over time

Zach suggested maintaining approximately five targets—enough to be comprehensive, but not so many that they become overwhelming. To ensure these targets are effective, they should be paired with measurable metrics that are tracked consistently over time. Finally, regularly repeating these targets within the church community helps embed them in the hearts and minds of members.

The Path Forward

The webinar concluded with a powerful reminder: God deserves more than an unidentified, unintentional, and confused representation of discipleship. Success comes from commitment to truly following Jesus, supported by clear targets and intentional measurement. With discipleship targets that follow a few basic principles, ministry leaders can be on their way to measuring and achieving discipleship success.

Want to dive deeper into these concepts? Watch the full webinar for detailed examples, additional resource recommendations, and an exclusive Q&A with Zach. Click here to access the webinar recording.

Disclaimer: This blog was created with the assistance of artificial intelligence. It may contain inaccuracies and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional advice. If you find content that is inaccurate or otherwise needs to be reviewed, please email webinars@rightnowmedia.org.


Disciple-Making in Your Neighborhood

Four principles to consider as you make disciples in your neighborhood.

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

When you picture your ideal neighborhood, what do you see? Maybe you see the neighborhood where you already live. Or perhaps Mr. Rogers himself welcomes you with a song to a fictitious place where you’ll always belong.

But what ultimately makes a good neighborhood? It’s not a trick question: Good neighbors.

We’ve all been helped by neighbors and probably thought to ourselves, “I want to be more like that.” Jesus himself said the greatest commandment in the Old Testament is to love God and our neighbor (Matthew 22:35–40)—even telling a story to illustrate what being a good neighbor looks like and to whom we must be neighborly (Luke 10:25–37). Given this principle, Christians should be the best neighbors—hospitable, thoughtful, and sacrificial.

And the most neighborly thing we can do as Christians is share how neighborly Jesus has been to us—how he welcomed us when we were strangers.

Christians often lament the lack of opportunities to share our faith with others. But most of us have the perfect place to have meaningful conversations about Jesus—our neighborhood. Here are four principles to consider as you make disciples in your neighborhood:

1. Be Present

To have conversations about Jesus with your neighbors, you have to be around your neighbors.

When we cram our schedules with more extracurricular activities, dinner parties, soccer practices, and happy hours, we spend less time at home and little time around our neighbors, even though we physically live next to them—we are proximate to but not present with them. But presence is different than proximity.

Instead of treating your neighborhood like a pit stop or merely as a place where you sleep, how can you commit to being present in your neighborhood?

Maybe there’s an activity you participate in that happens in someone else’s neighborhood—a practice at a local field or a barbeque at a friend’s house. Consider hosting that activity in your neighborhood. Maybe you feel stretched thin by the number of commitments outside your home. Think about cutting one activity and redeeming that time during the week to walk around your neighborhood, sit on your front porch, or spend time in public spaces around your home.

2. Be Proactive

Most people prefer to be asked to do something rather than to do the asking. It’s nice to feel wanted. But the popular phrase, “Good things come to those who wait,” may not be a great discipleship strategy in your neighborhood.

When Jesus “moved into [our] neighborhood” (John 1:14, The Message®)—coming from heaven to live on earth with us—he didn’t wait for us to ask him to come. He pursued us first. And as his followers, we should likewise pursue others. Regardless of how fearful you are of what your neighbors might say or how they may treat you moving forward, initiating kindness with them can open the door to deeper spiritual conversations that may otherwise remain shut.

Don’t wait for neighbors to come to you. Go to your neighbors. Instead of wanting a better relationship with your neighbors, take steps to develop a better relationship with them. Bake some treats and walk over to their house. Knock on their door, asking if there are any projects they need help with. Pay attention to your neighbors’ patterns to initiate conversations as you take out your trash cans together or walk your dogs around the block.

3. Be Playful

There’s always the no-fun home on your street or in your building. They call the homeowners association to file a noise complaint or—God forbid—hand out toothbrushes for Halloween.

One way to be a disciple-maker in your neighborhood is to be a fun, playful home for others to see. Jesus himself attended parties (see the wedding in Cana in John 2) and had a warm enough personality to relax with friends around a meal (John 13:23–25). If little children were drawn to Jesus (Matthew 19:13–15), he had to be an approachable, fun person.

There are many opportunities for fun in your neighborhood. You could create holiday events—a hot chocolate bar for Christmas, hot dogs and burgers for the Fourth of July, donuts for National Donut Day—that encourage people to spend time in your front yard, backyard, or apartment floor. If you do live in an apartment or college dorm, there are ample social events set up by management or resident staff for neighbors to have fun with each other—simply participate!

Making disciples often happens out of relational connection, and one of the best ways to build relationships with people is to just have fun together.

4. Be Prayerful

Prayer should be the foundation for all disciple-making efforts in our neighborhoods. Acknowledging God’s loving care over all areas of our lives—including our neighborhoods—is both right for us to do and can relieve some of the pressure we feel as we make disciples.

If you already have a regular prayer routine, consider what it looks like to integrate your neighbors into your prayer life. Think about specific homes, people, or groups living near you that you could pray over by name and number. Perhaps the Spirit will lead you to ask those people for prayer requests. Even if they don’t share anything specific, they’ll know that you are praying for them.

Jesus prayed for people who wanted his prayers (his disciples in John 17) and those who wanted nothing to do with him (his torturers in Luke 23:34). Maybe you’re surrounded by caring neighbors with whom you have a good relationship. Maybe you’re around people who don’t even notice you exist. Either way, praying for your neighbors—especially those who don’t yet know Jesus—puts Jesus’s call on your life into practice. Go and make disciples.

Not every neighborhood looks the same. Some live in suburbs, rural areas, downtown city centers, or apartment complexes. However, wherever Christians live should look and feel a little more like Jesus. How will you be a good neighbor?


The Power of Small

Five reasons why small churches matter. Originally written by Ed Stetzer for Outreach Magazine.

The following is an article originally written by Ed Stetzer for Outreach Magazine. RightNow Media is excited to work with Ed Stetzer on an upcoming project for pastors releasing in January 2025. We love Ed’s heart for the church and agree with his reminder in this article that small churches matter.

As I travel, I regularly tweet, “If you are pastor of a small church, I’d love to fill in for you this Sunday.” I’ve done it in Amsterdam, Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston, and more. And I’ve loved seeing how God is working through small churches throughout the country and around the world.

Christians and leaders who are a part of small churches can sometimes feel like they are on the sideline of the mission, that larger churches are the ones that are really in the game. This feeling, however, doesn’t align with the reality of mission and ministry. According to one study, the median number for Sunday morning church attendance in the United States is sixty-five people. Seventy percent of churches average fewer than one hundred attendees.

The truth is, small churches have been the norm for most of Christian history. The megachurch is the outlier, a unique feature of late 20th-century Christianity in America. The bottom line is small churches have always mattered for the mission and God’s kingdom. And they still do.

Here are five reasons—among many others I could list—why small churches matter.

1. The Place of Commission

Jesus gave the Great Commission to the local church—to a group of disciples who would lead small house churches, and as I’ve already mentioned, the vast majority of churches globally and historically would be considered “small.” Additionally, in the language of the Great Commission we see the local church’s functions of discipleship in baptizing and teaching: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19–20a). So Jesus calls every church—and in fact every Christian—to participate in the work of making disciples. That includes small churches.

Here’s the through line: First, Jesus calls every local church to be the place where the Great Commission is fulfilled. Second, most churches are small. This means, third, that small churches must be a big part of Jesus’s plan for his mission. Jesus doesn’t look at the church growing throughout history and throughout the world and think, If only these churches were bigger, then I could really do something. Instead, he sees thousands—millions—of churches, and he sees them all as a big part of his design to reach the least and the lost.

2. The Opportunity for Community

A church that has dozens of people who attend every week rather than hundreds or thousands provides opportunities for those people to connect and grow in fellowship with one another. When people see the same people in weekly worship and at church events, they can develop friendships and deep relationships. Likewise, small churches rely on people actively participating in all areas of the church’s life, creating a sense of belonging. In a small church people can have a harder time thinking that they don’t need to serve, because they aren’t surrounded by a massive crowd. Then when someone does step into a role, they can feel like their contribution in the church really matters.

In some ways, small churches can function as extended families. Now, the words “extended family” can bring to mind the image of a weird uncle at Thanksgiving. But anyone who has an extended family network also knows how much it can provide a basis of support. In a small church, news about people’s needs “gets around,” and rather than devolving into gossip, such knowledge can lead members to care for one another. By virtue of the dynamics of their size, small churches present opportunities for community and care that larger churches must work harder to cultivate.

3. The Possibility of Change

I mean this in two ways. First, small churches can adapt and pivot more quickly than a much larger church with more institutional infrastructure. Second, small churches tend to see people’s lives change in a greater proportion than larger churches do.

In terms of adaptability, small churches can respond to the needs of their community with speed and agility. Often larger organizations have bureaucratic processes that small churches have never accumulated. So small churches can pivot, launching new ministries to address emerging challenges. They can nimbly respond to specific needs in their neighborhoods in light of changing circumstances, addressing issues that larger churches might overlook.

Such flexibility for ministry and mission allows small churches to reach people with the gospel, serving them physically and spiritually. Research has shown that God usually uses smaller social contexts to bring about life change. Small churches have an opportunity here, because they can connect deeply with people in their community. For example, a few years ago I was a part of a research study on small churches that discovered something that might surprise many people: Small churches tend to experience conversion growth at a higher per capita ratio than larger churches. In many small churches, leaders are accessible and approachable, actively engaging with congregants regularly. This accessibility creates a sense of trust, as members feel comfortable sharing their concerns and prayer needs with pastors and other leaders. In small churches, pastors and other leaders can invest deeply in the spiritual growth of members because there are fewer layers of hierarchy. And members can invest deeply in one another. Such close connections between leaders and members can help build transformative relationships.

4. The Power of Cooperation

Too often we measure success by our cultural values. In the United States, we tend to value “bigger” and “more.” So American Christians tend to see big churches doing big things, and they value and celebrate them for that bigness. For example, megachurches can accomplish big things for the mission, sending staff overseas, resourcing tens of thousands, and more. We can celebrate these things while we also assess our cultural values in light of the full scope of reality. And here is the reality: most overseas mission work is done by groups and networks of small churches working together.

I work in a lot of large churches. Sometimes I tell them that the best thing that they can do is to stop doing mission on their own and start partnering with others. Most missional work is accomplished in “slices”—a small church takes ownership of one slice, another small church focuses on another, a mission board yet another, and so on. Such collaboration ends up accomplishing more than any individual large church can accomplish by itself.

Small churches that are currently independent might consider partnership with a theologically and missionally aligned network or denomination as a form of collaboration. For example, City to City—a network of churches started by Redeemer Church and Timothy Keller—is finding ways for churches to collaborate, as churches have done for centuries. In organizations like Cru, Wycliffe, the Evangelical Free Church’s global mission arm, or the Southern Baptist Convention, most missionaries are supported by collaborations of smaller churches. Such collective effort makes much more of an impact than any single large church.

5. The Future of Collaboration

Small churches are essential patches in the tapestry of God’s kingdom and his purposes in the world. Each small church has a unique story and many unique ways of worship, fellowship, ministry and mission. As the global church grows and connects across cultural and geographical differences, small churches will become increasingly important. Small churches have the opportunity to model contextualized ministry and mission. They can develop and empower leaders from diverse backgrounds and situations.

Many Christians are keying in on this next decade because 2033 will mark the 2,000-year anniversary of the Great Commission. (Now, even if the actual anniversary is not 2033, I don’t need to be that “well, actually …” guy who wants to correct everyone on the Julian calendar, and neither do you.) Many are forming 10-year plans aimed at finishing the work God has given us. Granted, some will focus on different aspects. For example, I was recently with Pentecostals who emphasize the 2,000-year anniversary of Pentecost. Whatever the specific focus, many anticipate this monumental anniversary with large goals. IllumiNations is an alliance of Bible translation agencies, for example, working to finish translating the Bible into all the languages—something that could happen in our lifetime. We can finish the task if we cooperate and collaborate, and small churches must participate for such cooperation and collaboration to succeed.

Small But Strategic

Members and leaders of small churches must embrace both a smaller and larger vision of their calling for the Great Commission. A small church can acknowledge that by itself with its dozens of members it will not accomplish the task (something true of any megachurch, too). No single church can “make disciples of all nations” alone. But this reality should not discourage the smaller church. Instead, this reality should encourage those in smaller churches toward ministry and mission.

Small churches are a big part of Jesus’s plan. They present opportunities for community and tremendous opportunity for change. In cooperation and collaboration with other churches and mission organizations, small churches can accomplish big things. However they proceed, members and leaders of smaller churches should realize how much they matter for the mission and how much they matter to Jesus himself.

To learn more about our project with Ed Stetzer, RightNow Pastors+, fill out this form, follow us on social media, or text PASTOR to 49775 for updates.

UBP, Ed Stetzer editor's column, Outreach magazine, 2024. Original found here: https://outreachmagazine.com/features/81396-ed-stetzer-the-power-of-small.html?  


What Does a Discipled Church Look Like?

Previous RightNow Conference speakers share what a discipled church looks like.

What does a discipled church look like?

Many elements make up a healthy church—integrity from its leaders, Christ-centric preaching, engaging with the community in love and service, and especially discipleship. But what exactly does a discipled church look like? We asked a few of our previous conference speakers what they thought.

Matt Chandler

There’s going to be, I think, a visible maturation of the congregation in regard to love and worship of Jesus which involves knowing the Word and worshipping rightly. But I also think—and here’s where it can get sticky—there will also be quite a bit of messiness. And what I mean by that is, a genuine disciple who’s growing in a knowledge of the Word, who’s following Jesus, who loves him deeply is going to be sharing the gospel with friends and neighbors and coworkers and family members, which is going to be introducing a lot of new baby Christians into the church.

David Kinnaman

We’ve done a lot of research on what a discipled church looks like and, first, we realized that we’re in a context that is not very disciple-oriented here in the United States. So, a lot of Christians, not a lot of disciples. Only 8 percent of all US adults are resilient disciples. What a disciple looks like is one who believes in the authority of Scripture, they have made a commitment to Jesus that’s still important in their life, they’re actually active in church community, and they want their faith to matter in the world to make an impact.

Jennie Allen

What Jesus was so good at, how he made his disciples, was he really approached the whole person. Because he built the whole person, right? God built us to be people that are emotional, that are spiritual, that are physical, that are intellectual, that are relational. So those are the ways I look at an individual—how is their health? Those five fronts need to be thought of when we’re thinking about discipleship. If someone is a spiritual giant and they’ve memorized all of Romans and they quote it with force, but they are an emotionally immature person, that person is actually going to be damaging. If they’re actually emotionally healthy but they don’t know anything, then they’re actually going to be damaging to the faith. They’re going to be a heretic in something if they don’t actually intellectually know things. So, we’ve got to look at the whole person. As they are growing they should be giving that away, because one of the greatest ways they actually grow is to give it away. When I had the first girl in my life that I was pouring into and discipling and she asked me, “How do I know if the Bible is true?” you better believe I was like, “I need to go learn how I know the Bible is true.” So set your people on mission and I promise you they’re going to want to know God, and they’re going to want to grow in those ways.

Figuring out what our individual churches need to practice good discipleship should be at the forefront of our agendas because Jesus has called all of us to be—and make—disciples. And it all begins with seeing each other correctly.

How are you hoping to, or continuing to, cultivate and nurture a healthy framework and practice of discipleship within your church? If you need a resource to get started, check out Essentials of Faith—a multi-series discipleship program designed to help your church develop mature followers of Jesus. Click here to learn more about Essentials of Faith.


How to Engage in Politics After Election Day

What our faith compels us to do in the four years between presidential elections.
Christian Living

Every presidential election season in the U.S., all eyes look toward election day—“The Tuesday next after the 1st Monday in November”[1]—when Americans head to the polls to fulfill their duty as citizens: voting. Whether by candidates vying for office, journalists and news outlets, or friends and family members, voters are implored to exercise their constitutional right and pull the lever for the candidate they’d most like to see in the Oval Office. The act of voting is imbued with near-sacred importance.

While voting may not be sacred, it is important. In our representative form of government, casting votes is one of the principal ways we make our voices heard. And it’s a right that many in our country’s history have fought to see extended to all American citizens of voting age. Voting isn’t something we should take lightly.

But a presidential election only comes around once every four years. As important as it is to participate in the political process by voting, casting a vote shouldn’t be the only way we engage in the public life of our republic. As Christians, what does our faith compel us to do in the four years between presidential elections?

There are several ways to answer this question. From the prophet Micah (Micah 6:8) to Paul’s letter to the Romans (Romans 13:1–7), the Bible is replete with instructions on how we are to live in society with others. Yet regardless of where we turn in the Scriptures, Jesus’s words echo throughout: “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31).

For Christians, the command we’ve been given is simple: we are to love our neighbors. We are to be neighbors.

What Is Love?

Naturally, the command to love our neighbors sparks a handful of questions for us—chief among them: What is love?

First-century Christians must have had similar questions about love because the apostle Paul, in his first letter to the Corinthian church, spelled it out plainly:

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends (13:4–8a ESV).

What does it mean to love our neighbors now, in the time between presidential elections? At the very least, it means to be patient with our neighbors; to be kind to them; to be humble and respectful toward them; to be accommodating and open to meeting their needs and hearing their ideas; to be cheerful toward them; to wish them well; to commit to them for the long haul and to hope good things for them—and even to effect good things for them.

Love is nonpartisan. It compels us to cross all boundaries, political or otherwise, for our neighbors’ good. And without love, all our political activity, no matter how grand it is or “inspired” it seems, will be nothing more than a “noisy gong or a clanging cymbal” (1 Corinthians 13:1 ESV).

Who Is My Neighbor?

But like the lawyer in Luke 10, the command to love our neighbor might lead us to ask another question: “Who is my neighbor?” (Luke 10:29 ESV).

Jesus’s answer to this question in the Scriptures, in the parable of the good Samaritan, flips the question on its head. Instead of “Who is my neighbor,” we ought to ask, “Who am I to be a neighbor to?” Answer: Those who are in need, regardless of class, religion, race, creed—or political affiliation. Even those we’d consider our enemies.

At its very core, our political engagement is not about grand gestures or national politics. It’s about seeking our neighbors’ welfare and “the welfare of the city,” the community, the neighborhood, and the street “where [God has] sent [us]” (Jeremiah 29:7 ESV). It’s about seeing every act of participation as an opportunity to love your neighbor as yourself.

Go and Do Likewise

The good Samaritan stands as an example of what it looks like to love our neighbor as ourselves. And Jesus’s command to us today—before, on, and after Election Day—is the same as it was to the lawyer in Luke’s Gospel: “Go and do likewise” (Luke 10:37 ESV).

So, by all means, vote. But don’t let your vote be the sum total of your political engagement. Love your neighbors. Serve them. Befriend them. Feed them dinner. Be generous toward them. Pray for them. Tell them about Jesus. Invite them to church. Drive their kids to practice. Have them in your home. Listen to them. Be kind and patient and committed to their good. Sacrifice for them, as Jesus did.

Love your neighbor as yourself, on Election Day and every day thereafter.

[1] “2U.S. Code § 7 - Time of Election,” Legal Information Institute, accessed September 26, 2024, https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/2/7.


Disciple-Making at Work

Practical steps to make disciples where you work.
Faith & Work

Our workplaces can feel entirely separated from the rest of our lives.

We have “work friends,” social happy hours, and a unique dialect that would have our families and friends side-eyeing us if we spoke similarly outside of work: “Could we pick a dinner spot by EOD?”

Even though our workplaces feel compartmentalized, they’re not. When Jesus commanded his followers to “Go . . . make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19), he didn’t mean for them to accomplish his mission everywhere except where they work. Jesus intended for us to see all areas of our lives as opportunities to share who he is and what he’s done—and that call extends to our jobs.

So, what does disciple-making at your workplace look like? How can we best live out Jesus’s command to make disciples not just where it’s most comfortable but where it’s most needed? Whether you’re an employee or a manager, you can take practical steps to make disciples where you work.

Making Disciples as an Employee

1. Share Your Story

Most people fear being “that person” at work who only talks about their faith. While we are called to be unashamed of our faith, being belligerent about our faith isn’t the most winsome—or faithful—approach.

Never discussing your faith isn’t a faithful option either. As a Christian, you likely engage in plenty of Christian activities throughout your week—attending church, participating in small groups, or reading your Bible. When people ask the familiar, “What did you do this weekend?” on a Monday morning, tell them. Simply sharing your experience at church or with a small group—not even what happened, but just that you engaged in some Christian practice—could open the door for deeper questions.

On a more basic level, telling your coworkers stories of how God has worked in your life, whether it’s answered prayers, things you’re learning, or experiences you’ve had with Jesus, can also be a good way to prompt spiritual conversations.

2. Show Your Interest

Have you ever noticed the people you most enjoy talking to ask the most thoughtful questions? There’s a big difference between listening half-heartedly to someone’s answer to your question, waiting to answer it yourself, and genuinely paying attention to someone’s answer.

If you want to make disciples at work, ask good questions of your co-workers. Jesus often asked questions to prompt conversations, most famously to Peter in Matthew 16:15, “Who do you say that I am?” Look for opportunities to move beyond the typical action-oriented questions, “How was your weekend?” and “What are you doing for dinner?” Ask questions concerning their thoughts and feelings: “How did you feel about that meeting?” or “What do you think I should do?”

It may be unnerving to invite this deeper level of conversation, but the more you show interest in your co-workers’ thoughts and feelings the more likely they are to come to you with their perspective on non-work-related topics. These conversations often lead to more spiritual conversations.

Making Disciples as a Manager

1. Lead Like Jesus

Being forward with your faith can be frowned upon as a boss in a non-Christian workplace. However, one of the most enticing aspects of the Christian faith is the servant-leadership of Jesus which is modeled for us in his sacrificial death. As a boss, you can show people your faith.

As a Christian called by God to imitate Jesus, you can be a servant-leader for your employees by seeking their good above your own. Being the kind of boss who sacrifices for your employees may invite people to ask why you lead sacrificially.

Think about ways in which you can lead sacrificially for your employees. What kinds of things would the people working for you feel appreciated by? What habits could you start to show your care for your employees?

2. Explore Extracurricular Opportunities

While being overly forward with your faith may not be appropriate from nine to five in the workplace, great potential exists outside those hours for spiritual change.

Companies of many sizes often have social groups focused on specific interests or hobbies—recreational sports, book clubs, food sampling, etc. Suggest beginning a Bible study or prayer meeting before or after work hours to higher management. If your company is small enough and you’re a manager, you may be able to initiate these activities all on your own.

If your company already serves your local community in some way, you could lead the service project at the next opportunity or find new partners to work with in the future. Just like Jesus met the physical needs of people around him, you can meet the physical needs of people in your community using your workplace’s resources.

Followers of Jesus are always on mission to make disciples. For those involved in non-Christian workplaces, that mission typically looks like the first step of any discipleship journey: evangelism. Evangelism goes beyond what we say about Jesus to others—it includes how we act like Jesus toward others. As employees and managers, we can all act more like Jesus to invite deeper conversations with our coworkers.

For resources about how to work, live, and lead within the workplace like Jesus calls us to, check out RightNow Media’s Work library.


RightNow Media's Global Reach

Learn about how God is using RightNow Media globally.
Around the World

RightNow Media Around the World

The Mission of RightNow Media

RightNow Media’s mission is to work with the global church to inspire people to love others before self and Christ above all. We are committed to equipping pastors and leaders worldwide with the resources they need to make a lasting impact in their congregations and communities.

Strategic Global Alliance

As part of our global expansion, we’ve formed a strategic alliance with like-minded individuals and teams, extending our reach and impact across various countries. By working together, we amplify our efforts to support the global church.

Global Stories of Transformation

God is using RightNow Media to support and empower church leaders around the world, making a meaningful impact in their congregations and communities. Discover powerful stories of transformation from RightNow Media regional teams and the churches they serve:

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See some of the originally-produced RightNow Media content from around the world:

East Asia
He Is Closer Than You Think Yong Jae Ahn
Latin America
Profound Changes
Nicolás Tranchini
The Book of Ezekiel
Ashwin Andrew
Faith as Currency in Our Finances Busola Sodeinde

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Small Group Studies for Fall 2024

A selection of RightNow Media studies to consider as we enter the fall.
Small Groups

Small Group Studies for Fall 2024

No matter how we organize our church calendar, it often ends up being a mishmash of the ancient liturgical cycle (Advent through Easter) and the school year schedule (back-to-school in the fall through summer break). So for many churches, the return of small groups in the fall can make a lot of sense.

Whether your small groups are interested in studying a book of the Bible, a frequently discussed topic, or a broad theological theme, the RightNow Media library houses a variety of series to meet you where you are and challenge you to move forward in your faith. Here are some studies to consider as we enter the fall.

Essentials of Faith

Essentials of Faith is a transformative twelve-study journey designed to deepen Christians’ understanding of the gospel and address fundamental questions of our faith. Our hope is that, after going through the Essentials of Faith series, Christians will be more mature, equipped to disciple others, and emboldened to reflect Christ in their lives.

What is a Christian? with Francis Chan

Ask any group what it means to be a Christian, and we will hear different answers. In this six-session series, Francis Chan will explore key concepts common to all Christians through the centuries. No matter what divides us, we are united by these truths about the God we worship and our relationship with him.

Why Does Jesus Matter? with J.D. Greear

What makes Jesus such an important person? In this six-session series, pastor and author J.D. Greear will answer, “Why does Jesus matter?” He’ll explore who Jesus is, why he came, and what he said and did to help us understand the life-changing effect Jesus had—and continues to have—on the world.

Topical Series

Art of Marriage

Every marriage has its strengths and its stresses. In this six-session series created in partnership with FamilyLife, discover a transformative marriage resource to help you explore new levels of intimacy, communication, and connection with your spouse.

The Life of Joseph with Bryan Carter

Everything Joseph endured was for a purpose. His success came from the Lord, and even the most devastating events in his past were used to accomplish God’s aims. In this six-session series, Pastor Bryan Carter will trace the themes of purpose and faithfulness through the life of Joseph, teaching us how to identify and live in our God-given purpose.

Book of the Bible Series

The Book of Ecclesiastes with Jonathan Pokluda

Life is a gift, but it rarely turns out how we expect. Where do we turn when things are going great, but we still feel empty? In this ten-session series, pastor and author Jonathan “JP” Pokluda takes us through the book of Ecclesiastes and shows us that we are not alone in our search for meaning.

The Book of 1 Samuel with Sharon Hodde Miller

The stories of biblical heroes prompt us to examine the difference between our outward appearance and what God sees in our hearts. In this ten-session series, pastor and author Sharon Hodde Miller guides us through the book of 1 Samuel, exploring the frailty of the human heart and the faithfulness of God.

Bible Study Roadmaps

If you’d like help building a collection of studies to guide your group or ministry, check out these Bible Study Roadmaps. Each roadmap features series that are already part of your church’s subscription, and you can feel free to customize it by swapping out studies according to the needs of your group. We have roadmaps specifically designed for adults, men’s or women’s groups, youth groups, and kids.

Meeting together to talk about God and how he shapes our lives is one of the primary ways we become more like Jesus. No matter what your small group chooses to study this year, God sees your faithfulness in moving toward him through study and community.


Disciple-Making at School

Three simple ways that teachers can disciple their students and the kids around them.

What do you remember most about your favorite teacher?

Maybe it was something simple, like their infectious laugh or the fact that they had candy on their desk every day. For many of us, if we thought about it long enough, we’d say that our favorite teachers were those who made us feel seen, loved, and valued—they showed consistency and care for not only our grades but our personal lives.

As teachers and administrators, we want what’s best for our students. We want to see students thrive at home, in their relationships, and as individuals. And as Christian teachers, we especially want to see their spiritual growth. But discipling our students faces certain challenges—rules within the public school system, parental control, and lack of time. But that doesn’t mean we can’t care for our students’ spiritual well-being.

Let’s look at three simple ways that teachers can disciple their students and the kids around them:

1. Become an Advisor for a Christian Group

One way that we can disciple our students is by offering our support to a Christian student activity. Many groups like Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Young Life need faculty sponsors and advisors. While there are limits to your involvement, your support could look like becoming an advisor of the group, volunteering to oversee the meetings, or being an extra point of contact for the group. If your school doesn’t have any Christian groups and isn’t against the formation of one, you could suggest to your Christian students that they could form a group that you could advise. Your voice and presence can support their faith.

2. Be What You Want to See

Especially in the public school setting, it can be difficult to remain neutral toward the subject of faith while also trying to live it out. But we can be faithful disciples even when we can’t share the gospel. We also share our faith with our students by showing them the love of Christ. First Corinthians 13:4–8 tells us that love is patient, kind, not envious or proud. Students—especially those who may not be used to kind, patient, or loving adults—will see a reflection of Jesus in your lived example. Reflect on the ways you engage with your students: Does a stressful day make you impatient with them? Are you kind to all of your students—or just the well-behaved ones? When students come to you for advice, do you quickly reply or do you usher them into wisdom that comes from Scripture? The way you love your students speaks volumes about your love for God.

3. Be Present

Simply being present for our students can be a form of discipleship. For many kids, having a consistent adult figure in their lives means the world—having a consistently encouraging adult can be life-changing. While you see them in class, consider attending their school games, plays, and performances. Let students hang out in your class over lunch. Being present in your students’ lives will not only serve them but provide you with an opportunity to pray with them and give them godly counsel.

Remain Faithful

We might spend most of our teaching careers planting good seeds of faith without ever seeing a student come to Christ or having the opportunity to actually share the gospel. But while discipleship may look different in the classroom, we can do what Jesus has commanded of all of us—to love our students as he loved us.


How to Measure the Effectiveness of Discipleship

Ministry leaders want their ministries to develop mature disciples, but how do we know if our methods are working?
Church Leadership

Ministry leaders want their ministries to develop mature disciples, but how do we know if our methods are working? During RightNow Conference 2023, we asked Lisa Harper, Matt Chandler, and David Platt their thoughts on measuring the effectiveness of a church’s discipleship efforts. All three agree that measuring spiritual maturity is a difficult but important factor to keep track of in your church.

Lisa Harper

Boy, you've got to watch me on this one, because I hate analytics. Because if you’re not careful, it becomes perfunctory. It becomes performative. It becomes transactional. I think the best way to measure [is], “Is your personal relationship and authenticity with one another actually driving you further into the embrace of Jesus Christ?” That’s hard to measure on a graph; it’s much easier to measure in the context of relationship. Do you want to keep meeting together? Has the realness of that relationship become such an anchor in your life that you wish it was more than once a week because it’s actually become an extension of your family or the family you wish you had?

Matt Chandler

If you’re talking about normal numerics, I think it’s really hard for a local church to do that. I think that what I’m looking for at The Village Church—which is the church that I pastor—if you stumble and fall and get up and repent and run to Jesus, I think we’ve done a really good job of “gospeling.” This is a person who really has grown and matured in their faith; they’re able to endure with joy and gladness. What I was taught when I was a younger pastor is: “Are they giving?”, “Are they attending?”, “Are they in your programs?” But I think they can be in programs and not mature. Is what we are doing working in regard to their understanding of who God is and the ability the believer has to be in his presence, to be comforted by him and shaped by him regardless of life’s circumstances?

David Platt

There are so many potential pitfalls there, because if we don’t have the right measurements in place, we’ll end up doing a whole lot of things Jesus hasn’t told us to do. I think of Galatians 4:19 when I think of measuring discipleship: “I labor to see Christ formed in you.” Are the people that I’m pouring my life into looking more like Jesus? And not just those people, but other people, as a result of those people’s lives, are they looking more like Jesus? I want to labor toward that end. So, I would just encourage you, more than numbers—more than a lot of different things we would think of when it comes to measuring success—look for Christlikeness in the people of the church and in people being reached through the church who are becoming more like Jesus.

Measuring discipleship success is difficult because we don’t mature in defined stages. But we all can keep our finger on the pulse of Christlikeness, gauging how our congregations reflect Christ and the depth of the relationships within the church.

To support your church’s discipleship efforts, check out our Essentials of Faith multi-study journey or our Books of the Bible series, which helps your church members study God’s Word with one another.

4 Spiritual Disciplines for Summer

Here are four spiritual practices to deepen your relationship with God this summer.
Christian Living

There’s nothing supernatural about summer, but the season feels different, doesn’t it?

Maybe your schedule loosens with the close of the school year, or you find yourself stressing out for what should be fun vacations. Whether summer brings deeper rest or unrest, the change in season invites us to consider engaging—or re-engaging—in spiritual practices.

Spiritual practices—also known as spiritual disciplines—mark the lives of followers of Jesus and sustain our relationship with God. Just as regular phone calls or eating dinner with loved ones build our relationship with them, spiritual disciplines strengthen our relationship with God.

Regardless of where you find yourself—stressed or relaxed—here are four spiritual practices to aid your relationship with God this summer:

1. Prayer

Writing on prayer in Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster said, “Of all the spiritual disciplines, prayer is the most central because it ushers us into perpetual communion with the Father.” Prayer is how we talk with God. We see Jesus model prayer for us in the gospels (Luke 11:1–4) and are directed to continually pray by the apostle Paul (1 Thess. 5:17). Without prayer—much like without consistent communication with a friend or loved one—our relationship with God is distant and apathetic.

Prayer encompasses many postures: praise—expressing joy to God; thanksgiving—showing gratitude for God’s gifts and provision; confession—acknowledging our sin before God; lament—bringing our grief to God; and petition/intercession—asking God for forgiveness or to act on someone else’s behalf.

Exercise: Fixed Hour Prayer

Early Christians prayed at specific times of day to establish a rhythm of talking to God. Set a time to pray each day through the rest of the summer.

For more on prayer, visit The Prayer Practice by Practicing the Way in the RightNow Media library.

2. Sabbath

Keeping the sabbath might be the most disruptive spiritual practice in our modern age. In the Old Testament, the sabbath was the day set aside for all people to stop working and worship God. To be part of the people of God back then meant you practiced sabbath. Now, followers of Jesus are not obligated to keep the sabbath (Col. 2:16), but the principle of following God’s model of rest in Genesis 2:1–3 is woven into the very fabric of creation. Regularly practicing worshipful rest can be good for you even if it’s not required of you.

Because we live in a fast-paced, achievement-oriented culture, purposefully withdrawing from all work—not just our employment—for a set time to stop, rest, delight, and worship may be exactly what your soul longs for this summer.

Exercise: Mini-Sabbath

Setting aside an entire day to rest and enjoy God may be intimidating. Start with a small amount of time—a weekday afternoon or a Saturday morning—where you remove distractions and engage in activities that deepen your joy in God and relationships with others.

For more on the sabbath, visit The Sabbath Practice by Practicing the Way in the RightNow Media library.

3. Fasting

In Matthew 6, Jesus assumes his followers will fast when he warns us about practicing our “righteousness in front of others” (v. 1) when we give to the poor (vv. 2–4), when we pray (vv. 5–15), and when we fast (vv. 16–18).

At its core, fasting is choosing to go without something you want or need to make room for something you want or need even more. Perhaps you choose to go without food to make room in your heart to hear God or to give the money or food you would have used to sustain your own body to sustain someone else.

Exercise: Fast with a Friend

Fasting has the potential for good, but also misuse. Because of the dangers of treating fasting like dieting or taking your heart to an unhealthy place with food, ask someone you trust if fasting is a good spiritual discipline for you to try. If they agree, invite them to walk with you as you start this practice. Consider skipping lunch once a week and spending the time you would have been eating to pray with your friend.

For more on fasting, watch The Fasting Practice by Practicing the Way in the RightNow Media library.

4. Solitude

Solitude can be refreshing for some and a struggle for others. But Jesus demonstrated the need to spend time alone throughout his life—withdrawing to the desert to start his ministry (Matt. 4:1), retreating after a busy day of ministering (Mark 1:35), and before making monumental decisions (Luke 6:12–16). Just as Jesus needed space to hear from the Father, we need solitude to turn down the noise of our busy lives and focus on God. It may sound counter-intuitive, but the goal of solitude is not to be alone—rather solitude frees us from noise to be with God.

Exercise: Find Your Place

While we can make space to be alone with God anywhere, it can be helpful to have a designated space to retreat and sit with God. It doesn’t have to be anywhere fancy—maybe it’s your back porch, your kitchen table, or at a local park. The goal is to go to this place consistently and avoid distractions to focus your attention on God. Determine where that place is and use it for holy solitude this summer.

For more on the practice of solitude, check out The Solitude Practice by Practicing the Way in the RightNow Media library.

The goal of our life is to become more like Jesus for the sake of the world. As we pray, rest, fast, and retreat, we hope to seize the opportunity summertime provides for us to grow in greater affection for God.


5 Ways to Evangelize in Your Home

What can we do to make the best use of the extra time we have with our kids this summer? Spend time passing down the faith.

It’s official: Summer snuck up on us once again. And while summertime is a great opportunity to catch our breath, it brings an entirely new rhythm to many families’ lives.

Instead of scampering around, chauffeuring kids to and from school, practice, and other activities, life tends to slow down a bit this time of year. We trade filled (or overfilled) schedules for more downtime—more time off, more trips, and more time together. For that reason alone, summertime is a welcome relief from the hustle and bustle of normal life.

But if we’re not careful, summer can slip away just as stealthily as it snuck up on us, leaving all our plans and good intentions in the dust. So, for families with a little more time on their hands this summer, or fewer schedules to keep, what can we do to make the best use of the extra time we have with our kids?

Spend time passing down the faith.

There are hundreds of meaningful things we can do as a family during the summer months. Vacations. Trips to the pool. Time at a waterpark. Camping in the backyard. Movie nights. Or simply sitting on the porch together, talking about things that matter to us. The possibilities are endless.

Since this time of year generally gives families more time together, parents can make it a point to prioritize evangelism and discipleship with their kids. And contrary to popular belief, that doesn’t mean we have to run them through a rigid program. But it does give us more opportunity to think intentionally about what it can look like for us to pass the faith down to our children—and then act on it.

We can engage our kids:

1. Prayerfully

Evangelism is an impossible task. Think about it, if the goal of evangelism is to “awaken” those who are “dead in [their] trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2:1–3), then that means, in some mysterious way, a resurrection must take place. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have the power to bring someone back to life, whether physically or spiritually. We need God’s help.

If we hope to pass the faith down to our children, our evangelism must be saturated in prayer. Pray for yourself. Pray for opportunities to talk with your kids. Pray for a clear and natural delivery of the good news. And pray for your child or children, that they will have a receptive heart to Jesus’s gospel and receive it with joy.

2. Methodically and Repeatedly

Engaging your children evangelistically doesn’t require a rigid program—you don’t have to build out a years-long scope and sequence to teach that the claims of Christ are true. Nevertheless, you can still think ahead and consider what methods are most appropriate for you, your child, and your schedule as you aim to pass down the faith. Consider asking the following questions to determine a method that fits your family:

  • What time of day and/or day of the week could you set aside for having regular, scheduled conversations about faith with your children?
  • What activities could you do together to spark questions and conversation?
  • What movies could you watch with them to stir up faith?
  • In addition to the Bible, are there any books you could read together (or that you could read to them) that might lead to conversations about faith?
  • What could it look like for you to pray with your children regularly or study the Bible together?

There are plenty of other questions to ask and considerations to make. The point is to make intentional plans to have gospel conversations with your kids—over and over again.

3. Naturally

Sharing the gospel isn’t a one-time event. It’s something we ought to do with our children every chance we get. While we can make plans to teach them about Jesus, we should also be prepared to take advantage of all the unplanned opportunities we have to expose them to the gospel.

It was the apostle Peter who told us to be “ready at any time to give a defense to anyone who asks [us] for a reason for the hope that is in [us]” (1 Peter 3:15)—and that applies to the conversations we have with our kids too. Inevitably, during a normal car ride, after a breakup, or in response to an injustice they’ve observed, our kids will ask, “Why?” and “How?” and “Why me?” And when they do, make sure you’re ready to engage them truthfully and compassionately, pushing them—graciously and by the Spirit—to Jesus and his gospel, which can make sense of all they’re experiencing spiritually and emotionally.

4. Communally

Conventional wisdom tells us, “It takes a village to raise a child.” That can be true with evangelism as well. Raising and rearing children, and passing the faith on to them, is a task that benefits from an all-hands-on-deck approach. So, what could you do to invite grandparents, aunts and uncles, siblings, friends, teachers, and fellow church members into the process of discussing faith with your kids? You don’t have to go it alone. Sometimes the good news might even be better received when it’s delivered to your child by someone else. If you want your children to say yes to Jesus, as we all do, consider making evangelism a community project.

5. Patiently

As parents, many of us approach evangelizing our kids with a sense of urgency. And there’s nothing wrong with that—it’s good that we want them to follow Jesus as soon as possible. But often, the pressure of “getting them saved” can quickly morph into a frantic and anxious approach to evangelism that’s driven by fear. But we can temper the urgency we feel with patience. Why? Because God is trustworthy; he “wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4).

Trust and Obey

God wants your child to be saved—even more than you do. And because that’s true, we can prayerfully engage our children with the truth. We can show them the beauty of that gospel and make plans to do so in myriad ways—through movies and music and food and friends and books and trips and long conversations. We can take advantage of the everyday opportunities that arise to model and discuss the good news with our kids, and we can do it in a community of believers who will help us. And finally, we can take a deep breath and take our time, trusting that God will impart saving faith in our children in due time.


Together: Made for Community

To be in Christian community is to belong to Jesus, to love each other, and to be witnesses together. That’s why the theme for RightNow Conference 2024 is Together.

We throw the word “community” around in the church a lot, but what does it actually mean to be “in community” with other Christians?

Paul offers us metaphors about bodies and buildings to show how Christ brings us together as his people. We even see in Jesus’s life that he had close friends. We know community should characterize God’s people. So, what is it?

For the church, being together begins with Jesus. He unifies us—not only with himself but also with each other. By the power of the Spirit, he enables us to overcome differences, arguments, and divisions to stand shoulder to shoulder with other Christians. And he sends us out on the same mission to make disciples. To be in Christian community is to belong to Jesus, to love each other, and to be witnesses together.

That’s why the theme for RightNow Conference 2024 is Together: Made for Community.

On November 6–8, pastors and church leaders will gather in Dallas, TX to explore what it means for the church to be the community of God. As we hear from speakers like Kyle Idleman, Nona Jones, Ben Stuart, and more, we’ll explore how we can be unified in Christ by the power of the Spirit for the glory of God.

We’ll be reminded that as Christians we are . . .

Together with Christ.

Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection pave the way for us to be with God. When we put our faith in him, we are unified with him by the Spirit. The foundation of our unity as God’s people is Jesus (Ephesians 2:19–22).

Together with the Church.

Salvation belongs to God’s people—the church. Together, we represent God in the world, empowered by the Spirit. Despite our differences, we stand together under the banner of Jesus (Hebrews 10:24–25; Acts 2:44–47).

Together on Mission.

Our God-given mission to make disciples of all nations begins in our community and branches out through our relationships to the ends of the earth. Together, we share the good news about Jesus (Philippians 1:27; Matthew 28:19–20; Acts 1:8).

As church leaders, we want the church to love Jesus, to be unified, and to pursue God’s mission. Our hope is to see Jesus’s prayer from John 17 answered: “May they all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us, so that the world may believe you sent me” (John 17:21, CSB).

Join us at this year’s RightNow Conference—you can even bring your team at a discounted rate. Find out more at rightnowconferences.org.


How to Take a Sabbatical

Between our unique cultural moment and the pressure of ministry leadership, we need to prioritize sabbaticals.

The work of a pastor never ends.

There’s always someone to meet with, church bathrooms to clean, a small group curriculum to plan, volunteers to train, or a sermon to write. And while all of these are good and necessary tasks in ministry, the constant pressure to do more can drive church leaders to exhaustion.

I’ve been there.

In my early ministry, I served a church plant and worked in a coffee shop to help pay my bills. The grind of building a church from the ground up while working a second job became so normal that I couldn’t even recognize how exhausted I was. Luckily, my lead pastor was a good friend who saw that I was skating near the edge of burnout. He forced me to take a sabbatical to rest. Yes, forced. I didn’t think I could leave all my pressing work undone and, in some ways, I didn’t want to.

I don’t think my experience is unusual. Far too often, pastors don’t rest because they don’t think they can. We preach about rhythms of rest and practicing the sabbath to our congregations while silently feeling like that blessing is off-limits for us. And so, we slowly march closer and closer to burnout where the quiet contemplation we typically find in rest morphs into a dire questioning of our calling. Instead of prayerfully considering what God might have for our next ten years of ministry, we secretly wonder if we should leave ministry all together.

According to Barna research, at least one in three Protestant pastors has seriously contemplated leaving ministry in the last three years. 1 More than half say they do not have the luxury of a private life.2 Less than a quarter of pastors would describe their relationships as flourishing, and less than one out of five pastors would say they are personally flourishing.3 Pastors are struggling, exhausted, and ready to leave the pulpit for a healthier lifestyle.

So how do we thrive and stay in ministry for the long haul? Is that even possible?

Between our unique cultural moment and the pressure of ministry leadership, we need to prioritize sabbaticals—extended periods of rest to spend time with God, to contemplate where he might be leading our ministry, to study, and to connect with our families and friends.

There is no singular right way for a church to practice sabbaticals, but every church should care for their leaders by offering, even mandating, that pastors take them. If you do not currently have sabbaticals in your church or are considering how you might update your current rhythm of pastoral rest, here are some parameters to consider:

1. Rest

It isn’t easy to slow down, especially when a lot of us are used to running on coffee and the adrenaline of immanent church deadlines. Having nothing to plan, no fires to put out, and no meetings to run can leave us feeling bored or useless. The temptation is to fill our schedule with home repair, travel, or family events. But don’t miss the unique opportunity to rest both passively and actively.

Passive rest—sleep—is essential for recovering and lowering our cortisol (the stress chemical) levels. During a sabbatical, you can not only catch up on sleep, but set a healthy sleep schedule. When you’re tired, take a nap. You need it.

Active rest is participating in hobbies, attending events, or visiting places that bring you joy. Your sabbatical gives you the space to participate in those things that always get bumped off your schedule. Make them a priority for both you and your family.

2. Grow

God desires a relationship with you just as much as he does with the people you preach to on Sunday mornings. Your sabbatical gives you the space to pray, read Scripture, and walk with God without any agenda. During this time, you don’t have to be a “pastor”—you are a disciple.

It is a special blessing to worship in a service that you did not plan and are not responsible for when you are used to working on Sundays. Consider attending sister churches during your sabbatical where you can worship without having to shepherd someone. If you choose to attend a different church, let your congregation know why and reach out to the pastor at the church where you will attend. Clear communication will help your church know why you are not around on Sundays and help the visiting church best serve you and your family during your sabbatical.

3. Prepare

Like Jesus withdrawing to pray and Elijah retreating to the mountain, your time away from ministry is an opportunity to hear from God. Define a purpose for your sabbatical. God may give you a new vision for your ministry, direction for your church, or call you to start something new. Take time to intentionally listen to God about your leadership, teaching, family, your church’s direction and vision, and the way you approach ministry. You may come back from your time both rested and changed.

If a sabbatical is not on your immediate horizon, you don’t have to wait to find a healthy rhythm of work and rest. A sabbatical can give you time away from work, but if you do not correct the root issue of your burnout, you will continue to risk your longevity in ministry. Some simple practices could be creating a rule of life, practicing and protecting a sabbath day, setting a sleep schedule, or delegating tasks to others.

God loves you, pastor. You can rest, both in seasons of work and on sabbaticals.

Check out John Mark Comer’s series The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry and Rich Villodas’s series The Deeply Formed Life for more ideas on how to rest well.

1 BarnaGroup, The State of Pastors Vol. 2 (Ventura, CA: Barna Group, 2024), 18.

2 BarnaGroup, The State of Pastors Vol. 2, 27.

3 Barna Group, The State of Pastors Vol. 2, 33.

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